What is the Baha'i Faith?

Baha’i Faith is the latest, but not the last, of the major successive world religions.  Among Them are Hinduism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism , Buddhism , Christianity, Islam and, most recently, the Bábi and Bahá'í religions .  Each religion originates from the same unknowable God and is suited to the spiritual maturity of the age in which it is revealed. In essence, the religion of God is progressively unfolding.

“This is the changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future.”


What do Baha'is believe?

One Creator, One Divine Religion, and One Human Family

Baha'i Faith teaches that there is but one all-knowing, all-powerful and all-merciful creator who remains forever unknowable to humankind.  We can, however;  find glimpses of  God's divine attribute in the chosen messengers of God who manifest all those divine attribute.  

"All the Prophets are the Temples of the Cause of God, Who have appeared clothed in divers attire, … behold Them all abiding in the same tabernacle, soaring in the same heaven, seated upon the same throne, uttering the same speech, and proclaiming the same Faith. ... They only differ in the intensity of their revelation, and the comparative potency of their light."   


Baha'is recognize Baha'u'llah as the manifestation of God for this day and age.  The theme of the Baha'i Faith is unity of mankind as we are all "fruits of one tree and leaves of one branch."  The path has been paved by all the previous Divine Revelations for this exulted goal to be within reach of humanity's coming of age.

What are some the basic teachings of the Baha'i Faith?

Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings offer hope to a troubled world. He identified the spiritual principles on which humanity may, with divine assistance, establish lasting peace:

• The oneness of humanity

• Independent investigation of truth

• Elimination of prejudice

• Racial and social justice

• The nobility of each human being

• Equality of women and men

• Harmony between science and religion

• Universal education

• Spiritually guided solutions to economic inequality

• Justice and equity as foundations for world peace

“A new life is, in this age, stirring within all the peoples of the earth.”


How is the Baha'i Faith organized?

Each year, all Baha’i communities elect local and national councils, known as Spiritual Assemblies. All Baha’is 18 and older are eligible to vote in administrative elections, and those 21 and older are eligible to serve on elected institutions. Diverse membership, non-partisan elections, and collective decision-making are basic features of the Baha’i governance. In place of clergy or priesthood, these local assemblies ensure community members feel cared for and connected to one another.

An international council, known as the Universal House of Justice, is elected once every five years.